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[[File:Eradain Prime 5.0hex Edited.jpg| center |Eradain]]
== '''Foreword''' ==
[[File:Eradain Prime 4.9thumb.jpg | frame | link=Map_Eradain | Eradain Continent]]  
[[File:Eradain Prime 4.9thumb.jpg | frame | link=Map_Eradain | Eradain Continent]]  
== '''Foreword''' ==
'''What is Eradain?'''
'''What is Eradain?'''

Revision as of 00:54, 29 March 2018



Eradain Continent

What is Eradain?

Eradain is a fantasy role playing campaign world. I was a fan of Tolkien at a young age and I have had a ravenous appetite for fantasy fiction ever since. Eradain is my own dreaming ground. The website of Eradain is a method of organizing my writings and ideas into something useable, primarily for Role Playing Games (Dungeons & Dragons in particular), but also for story writing and general daydreaming.

Please note the writings about Eradain cover many times in its history and references (such as to a people or an event) may not be valid for every time period.


Eradain Campaign Intro

Eradain is an ancient land of mystery and forgotten magic. In ages past, before man or elf ever set foot upon her shores, Eradain was the home of beings now called the Ancients. Unknown millennia ago the ancients vanished, leaving behind shattered ruins and great structures that are still in use to this day. Also left behind by the Ancients was their magic. Magic they imbued into the very stones and still potent after all this time. Many temples and arcane schools are founded on some remnant structure or fragment of forgotten lore. Along with these wonders there are also dark places in the land. Places of dread that attract evil, where even normal creatures can become twisted into vicious abominations known as Fomor or foulspawn.

After the time of the Ancients, new peoples have come to Eradain successive waves. Even the elves have no records and few tales from those early times and peoples such as the early Ang, Vols and other humans have all but faded from memory, save for the reclusive Corsani. Most of the earliest known human histories begin with the Migrations of the Harad. This tale tells of the arrival of the Harad peoples and their separation into the Harad of the south, the Angharad of the west, the Khorharad of the north and the Sarharad of the east. The epoch just passed called The Nations of the Harad tells of the growth of the Harad peoples from small tribes and settlements into cities and nations.

The current epoch is called The Burning. A new wave of invaders has come to Eradain, the Danrae. The Danrae are the remnants of a people who have wandered strange and dark seas for decades since the destruction of their homeland, and now they intend to make Eradain their new home. The Angharad Campaign begins far to the west of where the Danrae have landed in the center of the Dathi Forest and in the lands of Clan Fionn during the festival week of Litha. During this festival Clan Fionn is hosting the regional competition for membership in the Fianna, an independent militia dedicated to the defense of the Angharad people.

Latest News

The site is undergoing major transformation from its previous web host html version to a new host and using MediaWiki. There will be ongoing changes and addition of new content throughout the site as I go over all my notes and resources and incorporate into the knowledgebase.


Additional details continue to be added to the Angharad Campaign (2012) page, including new player detail pages with history and character developments. Additional enhancements have been made to many sections as I go through notes and add more details. I've been able to have installed an extension that allows for privacy of certain pages, so I can start adding DM only notes.


Adding a full campaign log to the Angharad Campaign (2012) page. These pages will continue to be expanded upon as new notes are located and incorporated.


Added extensive information to Realms and Cultures and got lost re-reading the Adventures of Thorn in Legends and Lore...


Moving Eradain to a new web host and changing to a wiki format and organizational structure.


Updated "angharad culture" page to include substantial information about the Angharad people. General information, their origins, their clan system of government, social classes, naming conventions, and general information about their laws and economy and trade. Future additions under the angtiria/angharad entry will probably include specific information about prominent clans and their heraldry, a listing of cities towns and a section about flora and fauna of the region.


Updated the Foreword above. Tweaked the "summary of peoples" and made a few edits to the "angharad religion". Still under construction is the "angharad culture" section to be updated as soon as I can settle on a final structure/order/inclusion/exclusion of the information to be presented.


Updated the Topography section of the website to be more accurate for the current generation of maps and to be more timeline generic.

Also, a new folder has been added as a holder for campaign specific documents, which contains the current version of the house rules: Campaign 2012. The E6 Rules have been placed there, and other documents relevant to the current campaign will be loaded to that location as needed.

-Also a quick update was made to the Angharad Religion page to reflect the E6 Rules Variant in the level titles.


Updated the Eradain continental map with Zoomify, a nifty tool that allows zooming and panning, etc.

I also recently picked up a tool called The Keep, "a personal information manager designed specifically for gamers". It's come in pretty handy and I've begun organizing all my Eradain gaming materials with it.


The old original Campaign Cartographer Eradain map links have mostly been revoved with just the continent map and map index left under "archive (old)". I have decided to not post the new Campaign Cartographer 3 maps for the time being. I think the exploration and discovery aspects of a new campaign will be more meaningful if detail maps arent immediately available to players.

I am still struggling with many of the finer details about the Angharad culture. On my "to do" list is to finalize some naming issues, then create basic statistics for all the towns and cities (and some villages), then outline which clans/cheifdoms control which territories.


Happy New Year! Eradain Continental maps updated with a few visual refinements. I've started work on the first levels of zoom for quadrant 3.


Angharad Religion page updated. Summary of Peoples page updated with current description of Angharad.


Menu tweaked for the new organization I may be using. The Timeline menu option was removed, and the separate headings of Cultures and Kingdoms have been combined into Realms & Cultures. After a lot of writing in the Angharad Campaign Guide, I decided that a lot of the more detailed information should be moved to the website and the Guide focused on the information relevant to the specifics of the campaign and the history included for its specific timeline. A lot of the existing content was originally written with a particular time period in mind, and its going to take some work to clean it all up.


Large map added. Links page updated. Content tweaks to update some existing material. Many original pages were written for a specific time period in Eradain history. My future plans will be to have different PnP Campaigns based in different time periods and different cultures, thus the website information needs to be as "timeless" as possible. A lot of work is being done on an Eradain Player's Guide and an Angharad Campaign Guide, which will be converted to PDF and linked on the website.


First updated map has been linked to the menu. You can easily see the difference between the original Campaign Cartographer (CC) and the most recent version (CC3). Next will be a larger version of the continental map (will require scrolling).


I will be spending some time updating Eradain content, beginning with some basic changes to the website. Old Neverwinter Nights information is being phased out. Newly updated maps created with Campaign Cartographer 3 will be filled in as they are created. Updated information will also be added to support paper and pencil D&D gameplay using Pathfinder rules. I have been delving into some 4th ed. D&D gaming, but so far Pathfinder (as inheritor of D&D 3.5) is my preferred system.


I have had to retire my e-mail address and remove it from the website due to spam issues. If you wish to contact someone about this site, please post in the Meeting Hall.

My work with the Heroes of the Third Age (HotTA) team is continuing, my current assignment has been the Ruins of Osgiliath. We are looking forward to a closed beta later this month. Please visit the website for additional information: Lord of the Rings: Heroes of the Third Age A Persistent World for Neverwinter Nights 2.


Neverwinter Nights 2 is now scheduled release at the end of October. I also believe that I have found a new NWN community to call home: Lord of the Rings: Heroes of the Third Age A Persistent World for Neverwinter Nights 2. I have made contact with the team and things are looking really good. Additional information will be posted in the meeting hall when I learn more.

As for the world of Eradain, I will slowly remove and archive the outdated NWN information and covert the site back to being focused as a paper and pencil D&D custom world.


Neverwinter Nights 2 is now scheduled for a September 06 release date. At this time I believe I will eventually seek out a larger community organization/world/server project to become part of as a DM/builder. I am also keeping tabs on Bioware's Dragon Age project, which will be much like NWN, but take place in Bioware's own custom world and ruleset rather than D&D.

Currently myself and several others are deeply involved with Eve Online, a great space MMOG. Its downloadable and there is a free trial available. See meeting hall for current gaming discussion...


Neverwinter Nights 2 is scheduled for release sometime in 2006. It will feature totally new graphics and improvements to the systems, tools and interface. I will be posting new, information and interesting links from time to time in the Meeting Hall. Please take a look and post any comments or questions.


Server Offline. The Eradain NWN server has been shut down until new content has been added. Post in the Meeting Hall if you have any questions or comments.

Logging into the Neverwinter Nights server requires the following (when its online): •All expansions: SoU and HotU (v1.65) •ADWTilesetHak006 (a great combo tileset pack) •Community Exansion Pack v1.5


Please see 09/13/04 News below for Hak Pack requirements for logging into Eradain. Module has been update to NWN 1.64, and other updates are made periodically, module version is now 2.53. Please post any ideas or comments at the Meeting Hall.

Made a long overdue update to Links page, The Cave link is still dead, but I'm hoping that it will become available again.


The Eradain Server and Module The World of Eradain is up and running.

Logging into the server requires the following: •All expansions: SoU and HotU •ADWTilesetHak006 (a great combo tileset pack) •Community Exansion Pack

Frequent updates are being made to correct bugs and make tweaks. New content and adventures will be slowly added as things develop with the closed PnP style campaign I am running. Eudoric and Pyrates are both working on additional content as well.

Please post any bug reports or comments and check for the latest news in the Meeting Hall!


The World of Eradain module currently under revision/construction will now also include the new Community Expansion Pack (CEP). The CEP is a project to take "the best of" community created conent, standardize it, and pad it to be compatible with any updates Bioware makes. The CEP include many new creatures, placeables, items, character portaits, new player heads. Please see the CEP website for additional information: Community Exansion Pack Website

This is a large download, but this standardized content will most likely be used by many modules and servers, so if you play online or build using the toolset, its well worthwhile.

New revisions are being made to Eric's Goblin Caves with the addition of new Goblin Appearance types and new goblin creatures such as Goblin Worg and Spider Riders as well as a few other new interesting creatures...

See the latest news and discussion in the Meeting Hall!


Overdue news update... The server has been shut down since December. With so much work going into the revised module and no new updates or content being added to the running version, I thought it best to take it down. The under construction module has been renamed from "Medrius" to "The World of Eradain" and has been updated to HotU. The module version has now reached 2.18. In addition the new Hak Pak added primarily for new Tilesets has also been updated: ADWTilesetHak006 This tileset has been updated for HotU and will be required to play on the server.

In addition old areas are being revised and many new areas are being added. My recent work includes updates to the Silver River and Dathi Forest areas, including installing the Goblin Caves created by Eric.

At this time the Eradain DM's are still discussing the potential impacts of Epic Levels and the powers of the new Prestige Classes as well as some of the new crafting features.

As usual, the latest news and updates can be found at the Meeting Hall.


Updates- A large number of new areas are being added to the module along with restructuring of existing areas. There will be many new places to explore and new challenges overcome. Factions have been added to reflect the Anghard/Danrae conflict and additional options are being added to support players joining different "sub-factions" for future quest options. A large amount of work has gone in to improving the creature spawn system, treasure, traps, encounters and other scripts which will allow DM's more options and flexibility which should equal more fun and surprises for players.

Any suggestions or requests for features/additions should be posted in the meeting hall.


Progress continues on the coming updates to Eradain: Medrius. We have decided to include community created content and in the future playing in Eradain will require use of a hakpak. We are using the tilesets ADWTilesetHak005 which are also used (required) by 'A Distant World' PW. Please visit the vault and obtain this hakpak. We are excited about the possibilities this new content will make available.


Just a quick note to keep the news page a little up to date. The Medrius Module which is running 24/7 has been updated to Shadows of Undrentide and has reached version 2.00 in beta. The Eradain Module can be found in the Persistent World Action category in the game matching service. Other recent updates include a new grouping friendly custom experience system and an improved "bleeding until -10" OnDying script. Currently the three active DM's (listed under contacts on the left menu) are working on new content and area changes. Please visit the Meeting Hall (forum) for the latest discussions and information.


Please see the Meeting Hall for the latest news about Eradain. The Eradain "beta testing" has reached Medrius version 1.50! The latest update has a fix installed for the exit/rejoin exploit to keep everyone honest. At this time only a few test quests are going to be implemented until we get Database Access up and running for true persistence. I am considering joining in the NWN Database Access Beta Contest, but the only thing I want to use it for at first is maintaining faction reputation and player quest states. Please post any comments, questions, bug reports and requests in the Meeting Hall!


Please see the Meeting Hall for the latest news about Eradain. We are still moving (at a snails pace!). At this time I have been wandering about and sampling many of the persistent world servers (primarily PW Action, but some of the PW Story ones as well) picking up ideas and hopefully learning from what I find there. I will be moving and without internet access during part of this month.


Long overdue update! There have been setbacks to the progress of Eradain. At this time I am the only DM actively working on creating the Eradain module and areas. Progress continues however, and DM's will be starting the painful process of alpha testing by the end of October. I apologize for the long wait and thank you for your patience.

As a reminder, the History has been updated with a Timeline and an Adventure Guide has been added to the new Neverwinter Nights heading on the menu.


Menu updated with new NWN section, player Timeline and Adventure Guide added. "Full" versions of history added to the DM page. A large "blowup" map of the territory surrounding Medrius has been added to the maps available.


Harad Pantheon has been updated and added to the menu.


A new Player Gallery has been added to the website. This is a listing of characters submitted, their race, e-mail contact address and registration status. The Player Gallery should be updated later this week.


Registration Update: At this time we will continue to accept player registrations, however since we are in the beginning of this process, in the throes of the learning, testing and building stages, there will be no official "accept, reject, resubmit" notice sent to players until further notice.

Submissions will continue to be posted in the Sanctorum for review and commentary by the various DM's and some refinements/additions will be made to the registration page.


NWN is out, I'm getting ready to install it now :) The player registration page is now available from the menu.


Updated Topography and the Kingdom of Erada to match with name changes made to some mountains and forests. Added additional details on the structure of the Danrae religion under Culture\Danrae Pantheon


Added new information about the structure of the Angharad religion on the Culture\Angharad Pantheon page.


Updated Map Index to an image map file for easier navigation.


Have converted some additional pages to the new format fully. Now all of the "Adventures of Thorn" should display properly. I have also added the hit counter back in on the intro page. Additionally I have moved the NWN ring code to the intro page.

03/16/02 Site News

Some minor changes have been made to the menu, removing the old AD&D 2nd ed. house rules and the dead link to the shadow thieves guild. The maps have been updated and links on the menu are now active. A new menu option called "map index" has been added to give viewers a better idea of where the map selections are on the continent. This will eventually be updated as an image map to make navigation easier. Additional areas of the map index can be outlined as new maps are added. If anyone is interested in having additional map areas added, please post your request in the meeting hall or send me an e-mai.

02/05/02 Site News

Nearly all of the existing pages have been converted to the new site format. The "Adventure of Thorn" still needs to be converted, I will begin work on that fairly soon. There are a few misc pages here and there that also need to be converted, they will be completed soon as well. The maps are the main portion of the work that needs to be done with the site to update it to the new format. I am not sure what the final maps section will look like, for the tim being I will merely place the existing maps in the new site format.

01/29/02 Site Updated

Well folks here is the new design, functional for the most part. Lug, I forgot to download all the spelling corrections before I re-uploaded so I will have to go through that again, actually I still need to spell check the entire site, so there may be some speeling errors here and there ;p. I have managed to get the message board to display the new menu, and the necessary CSS, however I cant get it to be displayed in the individual message pages. The board restricts message headers to 3k bytes and I need more than that for all of the menu and the CSS. Check out the board and let me know what you think. I still need to install some CSS coding on some of the pages to have them conform to the new design, but the site is functional.

As for the maps none of those links are live yet, all the maps have to be resized to a max width of 600, to fit. Actually the would fit as it, IF I removed the vertical banner on the right side. I can do that if necessary, that's up to the tyrant.

11/01/01 some more info

Here are a few more changes, mainly to color and a little to the formatting. I have added a little bottom and right border to a div.news tag, this could possibly be a div only tag. I am considering a group of div tags though to separate out some different things. We could possibly have a div.news, div.letter, div.speech, div.dimma, etc tags which control block level formatting, and can be useful for changing the display properties of large blocks of text. what you much consider is the box model formatting to be aware of some of the things that can be controlled using CSS2. The box model can be seen here. The margin, padding, and border all can be controlled in thickness, placement, which side is present, color style, etc.

10/25/01 site update

I am going to start a re-design on the site. I'm not planning anything drastic right now, just something to change up the look of the site somewhat. perhaps change the colors, graphics, fonts, text placement etc. If there are any suggestions feel free to post them on the message board or e-mail me so that i can shoot them down...er consider them ;p.

10/25/01 site update

I have made some small changes to the links page, mainly removed the links that were no longer functional, and I also have updated the gemworlds link. There will be more changes to the links page soon. I also have put in place a work-around for the scroll bar problem I have been experiencing with IE6. I'm not sure what is causing the horizontal scroll bar to appear when the vertical one does, but I will track it down.

8/19/01 news

A great deal of time has passed since the last official update, but background work continues in Eradain. The kingdoms option on the left menu continues in its development, with a selection available for Eradain (the central country named the same as the continent). Under Eradain are options to take a closer look at the borders and topography of the land, with links to a newly expanded topography page.

Also new this month is the addition of the Corsani pantheon, courtesy of adjudicator Damien Vryce. Along with the details of their religion, the culture -> peoples section has undergone some revision for the Corsani and a history is currently under development for these mysterious people of the eastern continent.

10/25/01 site update

Additions and clarification have been made to the NwN Eradain FAQ section based on input from adjudicator Damien Vryce. Everyone is encouraged to post ideas and suggestions at the meeting hall, which can be found under forums.