Jeweler's Guild

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Ioun Stones cannot be manufactured.
They are remnants from the Ancients and no known magic can duplicate the material.
However, they can be "tuned" by the jeweler's art, enhancing or altering their powers.

  • Despite ruining many Ioun in the process the Jeweler's Guild (need a name or KISS?) is a wealthy and respected faction. They are paid handsomely by the elite for their services.

A popular commodity is Jeweler Cut Ioun fashioned into a necklace or other jewelry to be immediately available. Spell storing is favored for its versatility. The Jeweler's Guild is a secretive faction, their influence based on their crafting secrets, so they have security and some members are assigned guards by the guild. They also fund expeditions to locate additional sources of Ioun. The shards of the Ioun also have value. A sufficient amount of them can be fashioned into a Power Stone. There are two Jeweler's Guild Main Guildhalls located in Erada and Gilead. There is a decent amount of traffic between the two locations. Erada is the core of the guild because more stones are found in the West and make their way to Erada. The Erada Guildhall also has the benefit of trade with the Dwarves of Khuzdul, who are both supplier and customer for cut stones of all types (the Jeweler's Guild are superior to Dwarven gem cutters? Maybe due to lore or magic the dwarves do not have and therefore covet...). I picture the Jeweler's Guild technique to be sonic (air) related, perhaps a specialty sorcerer class/subclass are the true craftsmen of the guild. Maybe even hints of psionic elements? What are rules for psionics like these days? They used to suck