Player Character: Elonan

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Player character from the Adventures of Thorn campaign.

Elonan's History (written by Elonan)

I awoke to singing, I knew what was happening, and I could picture it all in my mind. The village elders, gathered around the funeral pyre, the rest of the village behind them, heart raised in song. And in the middle, my master Menua De' Dannan. Tears come unbidden to my eyes, for Menua has been my Teacher, Father, and only friend for the past seven years. My life here is now ended. Another lies before me, something that I am getting used to, for I have been through this before. Seven years ago I was essentially dropped into Menua's lap, being recently orphaned by my father and his brave streak. My mother had died when I was but a baby, and my father, having always been filled with a wanderlust, decided that he could raise me just as well on the road as in a home, so off we went. I must say that looking back on it now, it was an educational experience. An adventure it certainly was, moving from town to town performing odd jobs, being a hired hand, or most often acting as a ccaravan guard, for various merchants. We traveled for and wide; at least at the time I thought that it certainly was, roaming the country, my father instructing me in the ways of the land. Then one day all that came to an end. We had signed on with a caravan, my father being the hired sword for protection, and myself along to tend the horses and other beasts of burden as usual. About half way through the journey we were set upon by a small band of brigands. They were not many but my father and the only other fighter in the group were outnumbered. I think back on it now, as it were yesterday, my father charging out to meet the bandits. I saw him cut down five of the scum before an arrow pierced his heart and he fel dead upon that spot. The other two remaining had no stomach for the killing I guess for they ran, quickly back into the forest. As per the instructions of my father his body was burned, and I was to be delivered to Orlane and my now dead master Menua De' Dannan. A chapter in my life was ended and another began on that day.

Menua seemed glad to see me, but I should no know why, he almost seemed as if he knew me. From that day forward my life changed drastically, from one of adventuring, being a nomad, traveling from place to place, to one of solitude and quiet study. For Menua was a master of the arcane arts, and now as I was his nephew (another revelation that surprised me) he was going to teach me the art. Then long hard study, many years of it, but Menua always seemed pleased with my progress. He said over and over that I was an extremely apt pupil, and that he