You can create new user groups by defining permissions for the according group name in $wgGroupPermissions['<group-name>'] where <group-name> is the actual name of the group.$wgGroupPermissions
Account creation is done through Special:CreateAccount.
Link to section
Page for misc. notes for my reference
This snippet allows any given link that's directly wrapped inside an element with class="newwin" to open on a new window when clicked. For example, this syntax would make the link to open on a new window when clicked: <span class="newwin">[[MediaWiki]]</span>
commented out text test
Header text | Header text | Header text |
Example | Example | Example |
Example | Example | Example |
Example | Example | Example |
Collapsible Text with color
- Click to reveal hidden text.
- This is a test for hidden text.
- Not Commonly Known History (spoiler)
- This is a test for hidden text. How much text can be put here?
Can a break be placed? Drust is from a commoner farmer family in the goblin plagued territory of Cerdwigg to the west. He left the farm to join the militia to fight against the goblin threat and was among survivors of the terrible Battle of Prywn Crossing. Upon returning home, he discovered his family farm had been raided and all that remained was a burnt out shell and a mass grave. He drifted for a time from town to town, picking up enough work to get by and telling stories of valor in taverns for space on the floor and a full cup. Drust arrived at Rhan Fionn in time for the spring planting and has been working as a farmhand for several months. Something from his past haunts him and Drust sees joining the Fianna as a way to gain redemption.
Example of 'with custom toggle link' (Manual: Collapsible elements)
Toggle link
Additional toggle link
Seven Sentence NPC
- Occupation & History
- Physical Description
- Attributes & Skills
- Values & Motivations
- Interaction with others
- Useful knowledge
- Distinguishing Feature
Elements of a Drama
Plot in Four Stages
- Opening - Quickly establishes action
- Simply explain what the party needs to do and start the game.
- PC's seldom listen to paragraphs of text, but become inquisitive speaking with NPC's or snooping through documents.
- Always open with a specific quest.
- Spare them a period of aimless wandering while they try to read your mind.
- Encounters with multiple solutions or a mix of solutions are best. Base encounters off of previous events in the campaign.
- Development - Steadily builds excitement
- Information in steadily digestible chunks
- Varies rhythm and mood (quiet moments and comic relief)
- Outbursts of combat or other fast paced activity.
- PC's learn secrets, punish enemies, make discoveries and are surprised by the unexpected.
- Encounters hint about future events, raise tension and create suspense.
- Climax - Confront the object of the quest, resolve the adventure, learn the nature of the foe, find out about the greater danger
- Denouement - Tie up sub-stories, let PC's rest and reassess
Story Goal or Problem
- Story Goal
- Solve the problem
- Involve other characters
- Consequence
- What happens at failure
- Requirements
- What must be done to accomplish the goal
- Forewarnings
- Show the consequences are getting closer
- Costs
- Sacrifices to achieve goal
- Dividends
- Rewards along the way to the goal
- Prerequisites
- Things that must happen to meet the Requirements
- Preconditions
- Impediments (small)